He Knows About It

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash
Let me share a couple of scenarios with you. You are down to your last few dollars. Your pay is at least a week away. Your bills are past due, but you don’t know where the money is coming from to pay them. Your usual sources are tapped out, and your back is against the wall. But you have been praying to God to please allow you to hold on for just another month. You come home from work, go the mailbox, and there in the mail, seemingly out of nowhere, is a check. The amount not only covered – but exceeded what you needed! Or, have you ever eyed something in a store, and then had someone bring you that very thing without you mentioning it?

There have been times, when I have not uttered my needs or desires out loud.  I may have not even spoken them in prayer or whispered them in the dark. But God knew about it. A few months ago, I went to the store – looking for something very specific. There were only a few in stock, but I needed more. The situation was time-sensitive, and I couldn’t go to another place.  Well, I met up with some people, and to my delight – they brought the exact amount of the item!  Coincidence? I think not. I can think of many more times that God showed up and showed out for me, and I’m sure you have countless stories too.

Photo by Kyle Loftus on Unsplash
In Psalm 34, King David recounts his ordeal of pretending to be insane, while he was on the run. He begins by declaring that he will praise the Lord at all times. No matter what the situation looked like (he had people literally chasing him), he was going to praise God! He proceeds to say in verse 4 that he sought the Lord, and the Lord answered him and delivered him from all his fears. David was intentional, and he knew where to go to. He went to the Source. In verse 6, he elaborates and says: “This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles.” Has the Lord saved you from any troubles? The Psalmist continues in verses 8-10: “Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Fear the LORD, you his holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.”

God knew about King David’s situation. He knows about all of our situations. He cares about everything concerning us: the big things, as well as the small. He is able to bring us what we need, when we need it. Whatever you have been meditating on, thinking about, or praying for – God has it in His control.

He sees. He hears. He knows. He cares. Exalt His Name. Seek His Face. Reverence Him. Trust and believe Him. Then, watch Him come into your situation.

May God continue to keep and bless you.

©2019 by Antoinette V. Barber


  1. Leave to God, he knows what we need when we need it .

  2. I love the blog. This an awesome reminder to pray about everything and worry about nothing. He is an on time God.

    1. Thank you Sis. Philippians 4:6-7 tells us to do just that! Donlt worry, instead pray. Tell Him what we need and give Him thanks. Then we will experience a His peace. On time, indeed!

  3. We are troubled on every side. We are cast down but not destroyed. Thanks Antoinette for so much encouragement as I get down looking for a job with no response. Your posts lift me up higher. Dana Roane

    1. Thank you, Dana! To God be the glory. Brother - keep the faith! Know that God has not forgotten about you. Praying He opens the right door for you and praying His favor over your life.


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